About us

iCampus Wildau originally started 2009 as a project of students in the course Telematics under the lead of Prof. Dr. med. Janett Mohnke at the Technical University Wildau. Meanwhile iCampus Wildau is an integral part of the university and as such responsible for the development of web-based tools and information structures on the campus. These include, for example, tools for internal process optimization as well as mobile and desktop applications for guests, employees and students.

The iCampus Wildau Team currently consists of the telematics student Konstantin Bychkov, Alfredo Azmitia and Henning Wiechers as well as Mrs. Prof. Dr. med. Janett Mohnke.

Portraits and reports about the RoboticLab can be found on the RoboticLab pages.

The work on our projects has been and is ongoing carried out in close collaboration with the team of the university library under the lead of Dr. Frank Seeliger.


Find us on campus

iCampus Wildau
Hochschulring 1
Haus 13, Raum 002
15745 Wildau


In the past, out projects were also significantly developed by the following persons::
Georg Baumgarten (Telematics), Karoline Bergmann (Telematics), Janine Bliß (Telematics), Tom-Ole Bolle (Telematics), Lars Brümmer (Bioinformatics), Ricardo Frommholz (Telematics), André Funke (Telematics), Fabian Götz (Telematics), Andrés Gil Herrera (Telematics), Paul Hewald (Industrial engineering), Sascha Hillig (Telematics), Mareike Hybsier, Marcus Janke (Telematics), Tobias Kannenberg (Telematics), Sebastian Kautz  (Telematics), Jan Kissig (Telematics), Benjamin Körner (Telematics), Phillip Kopprasch (Telematics), Alexander Malchow (Telematics), Kai Noffke (Telematics), Maximilian Osterloh (Telematics), Michael Pekar (Telematics), Thomas Rohde (Telematics), Christopher Rohrlack (Telematics), Yaroslav Sabinin (Telematics), Alexander Schrot (Telematics), Tobias Schulze (Telematics), Johannes Tiedeke (Telematics), Jonas Wolff (Telematics)